
We envision world peace, one embrace at the time.

We know it takes a village to create a Tango dancer.

We support communities helping beginners learn.

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Our aim is for people to experience harmony with themselves, with others, and with the larger community as they learn tango.

Our projects include: 

  • Helping tango organizers access and utilize resources, innovations, and peer support

  • Developing ways to help organizers more easily facilitate community engagement, especially on college campuses

  • To provide experienced dancers with the confidence and skills to help beginners learn


Why Argentine Tango? 

Over a hundred years ago, Argentine tango emerged and brought humanity a new approach for learning and community. During the Tango's Golden Age in the 1940s, Buenos Aires enjoyed a blossoming of connectedness at the level of the micro-local community. The neighborhood tango club movement was intergenerational, interracial, interclass, and founded upon profound respect for women and for the powerful feminine in all of us. Men helped each other grow through peer-learning clubs that fostered camaraderie and support through practicing embodied leadership based on "following the follower."  We seek to bring the legacy of tango's spirit into a 21st century learning paradigm.